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Kamis, 24 Juli 2008
Lostprophets dan Simple plan manggung di Jakarta
Bakalan tampil di Jakarta grup-grup band dunia, di nya Lostprophets dan Simple Plan. Mereka sudah siap-siap ngadepin crowd Jakarta yang menurut mereka hidup banget. Ini hasil ngobrol-ngobrol MuDA dengan Mike Lewis, gitarisnya Lostprophets, dan Chuck Comeau, drumernya Simple Plan.Mike yang belum pernah ke Indonesia bercerita, dia penasaran banget sama Indonesia. Apalagi, beberapa keluarganya sudah pernah ke Tanah Air. Aku dengar-dengar kalian tuh heboh banget ya, dan suasananya asyik berat, kata Mike, yang bernama lengkap Michael Richard Lewis.Khusus untuk para penggemar, ini bocoran dari Mike: Lostprophets bakal bawain lagu-lagu di album keempat mereka yang lagi dibikin. Menurut Mike, beberapa lagu lebih berat dan gelap dari Liberation Transmission (2006), album ketiga mereka yang sempat seminggu menduduki tangga pertama Top UK Album Charts.Di album yang lagi dibikin ini, kita kayak berdialog dengan album itu sendiri, cerita Mike.Waks? Apaan tuh? Maksudnya, dalam proses pembuatan album tersebut, kadang kala mereka ngerasa lagu-lagu yang mereka buat agak keberatan. Kalau udah kayak gitu, mereka langsung menarik lagi lagu-lagu yang mereka bikin biar menjadi lebih nge-pop. Ohhh, pantesan ya lama....Iya nih, lama. Sudah beberapa tahun kami bikin album ini. Rencananya sih tahun depan selesai, kata Mike.Untuk konser mereka di Jakarta, 1 Agutus nanti, mereka bakal mainin di nya satu lagu di album yang belum dirilis itu: Its Not The End Of The World But I Can See It From Here.Alternatif metalLostprophets yang mengusung musik alternatif metal ini menurut Mike dalam lirik-liriknya bercerita tentang pertarungan dalam hidup.Hidup kita selalu berisi pertarungan. Sementara susah kan kalau kita mau nyuruh-nyuruh orang untuk begini dan begitu. Makanya kami ngasih inspirasi orang lewat cerita dan pengalaman kami. Biar mereka bisa belajar dari situ, cerita Mike.Simak lirik di salah satu lagunya, A Town Called Hypocrisy: Can you take this broken boy?/And put the pieces back as one?/Though he has all of his toys.../He is never having fun.Gue enggak pengin kita jadi kayak domba yang bisa dibawa ke mana saja, kata Mike.Cerita tentang bagaimana dia masuk ke musik alternatif-rock nunjukin gimana Mike yakin sama pilihannya. Tadinya, dia sempat kuliah di jurusan sipil. Setahun kemudian, dia keluar dan total di band.Gue jujur sama diri sendiri. Gue enggak mau bikin jembatan, gue mau main musik. Memang sih itu waktu yang berat dalam hidup gue. Akan tetapi, ya kita memang harus berani memilih, katanya.Menurut Mike, apa pun pilihan kita dalam hidup ini, anggap saja itu sebagai waktu kita untuk mengambil keputusan, dari deretan kesempatan yang ada. Lebih penting adalah kita memilih sesuatu yang kita yakini suka melakukannya, kata Mike yang waktu diwawancara baru pulang nonton film Batman Dark Night.Di tengah-tengah tur, latihan, dan masuk studio rekaman, cowok yang lahir 17 Agustus 1979 ini mengisi waktu luang dengan hal-hal yang dia suka. Mulai dari dengerin lagu-lagu pop tahun 1980-an kayak Duran Duran, duduk sendiri di rumah, sampai main lagu apa saja yang dia pengin.Simple PlanChuck Comeau, drumer Simple Plan yang diwawancara MuDA, orangnya juga asyik. Dia yang paling banyak nulis lirik lagu buat bandnya. Enggak banyak kan drumer yang jadi penulis lirik. Kita ngerjain lagu sama-sama, kebetulan anak-anak Simple Plan yang lain orangnya pada melodik. Kebetulan cuma aku yang sense ritmenya tinggi, dan bisa menuangkan itu dalam lirik, kata cowok Kanada yang lahir 17 September 1979 ini mengomentari tentang hal itu.Dalam obrolan, Chuck juga sempat cerita soal Simple Plan Foundation yang sudah menyalurkan bantuan untuk anak-anak kurang mampu. Juni 2008 mereka mendonorkan 100.000 dollar AS untuk anak-anak kurang mampu yang menderita sakit keras atau cacat. Tiap anggota Simple Plan memantau apakah uang itu sampai ke tangan yang benar. Mereka benar-benar pengin tujuan itu tercapai.Kita merasa sedih kalau melihat anak-anak yang tidak beruntung di sekitar kita. Makanya kita pengin berbuat sesuatu biarpun kecil, kayak setetes air di tengah laut. Tetapi, yang jelas, kita bisa ikut membuat hidup satu orang saja menjadi lebih baik lagi, kata Chuck. (MDS)
Selasa, 26 Februari 2008
From your screen to your video
Setelah sukses meluncurkan album EP bagian pertamanya yaitu From the Screen to Your Stereo pada tahun 2000, New Found Glory kembali merilis album bagian keduanya yaitu From the Screen to Your Stereo Part II yang akan dirilis secara resmi pada 18 september 2007 (lagi2 sebelum release saya udah punya albumnya )
Album ini dan sebelumnya berisikan lagu cover yaitu lagu yang sudah terkenal dan dinyanyikan lagi oleh new found glory dengan irama melodic punk dan dengan beat yang cepat. Satu kata dari saya tentang album ini Kereeennnn !! . Dari lagu yang sebelumnya saya tidak tahu dan tidak suka, manjadi lagu favorit sekarang karena dibawakan kembali oleh new found glory.
Track listing
“Kiss Me” - 2:57
“It Ain’t Me Babe” - 2:50
“The Promise” - 3:42
“The King of Wishful Thinking” - 3:42
“Stay” - 2:44
“Lovefool” - 2:58
“Iris” - 3:15
“Don’t You Forget About Me” - 4:04
“J’y Suis Jamais Allé” - 1:34
“Crazy for You” - 3:20
“Head Over Heels” - 3:31
“Hungry Eyes”
New Found Glory
Jordan Pundik – (Vocals)
Chad Gilbert – (Guitar)
Steve Klein – (Guitar)
Ian Grushka – (Bass)
Cyrus Bolooki – (Drums)
Album ini dan sebelumnya berisikan lagu cover yaitu lagu yang sudah terkenal dan dinyanyikan lagi oleh new found glory dengan irama melodic punk dan dengan beat yang cepat. Satu kata dari saya tentang album ini Kereeennnn !! . Dari lagu yang sebelumnya saya tidak tahu dan tidak suka, manjadi lagu favorit sekarang karena dibawakan kembali oleh new found glory.
Track listing
“Kiss Me” - 2:57
“It Ain’t Me Babe” - 2:50
“The Promise” - 3:42
“The King of Wishful Thinking” - 3:42
“Stay” - 2:44
“Lovefool” - 2:58
“Iris” - 3:15
“Don’t You Forget About Me” - 4:04
“J’y Suis Jamais Allé” - 1:34
“Crazy for You” - 3:20
“Head Over Heels” - 3:31
“Hungry Eyes”
New Found Glory
Jordan Pundik – (Vocals)
Chad Gilbert – (Guitar)
Steve Klein – (Guitar)
Ian Grushka – (Bass)
Cyrus Bolooki – (Drums)
Senin, 14 Januari 2008
Green day

Green Day is an American rock band formed in 1987. The band consists of three core members: Billie Joe Armstrong (guitar, lead vocals), Mike Dirnt (Back-up vocals, bass), and Tré Cool (drums).
Green Day was originally part of the punk rock scene at 924 Gilman Street in Berkeley, California. Its early releases for independent label Lookout! Records earned them a grassroots fanbase, some of whom felt alienated when the band signed to a major label. Nevertheless, its major label debut Dookie became a breakout success in 1994 and eventually sold over 10 million copies in the U.S. alone. As a result, Green Day was widely credited, along with fellow California punk bands The Offspring and Rancid, with reviving mainstream interest in and popularizing punk rock in the United States. Green Day's three follow-up albums, Insomniac, Nimrod and Warning did not achieve the massive success of Dookie, but they were still successful, reaching double platinum, double platinum and gold status respectively. Its 2004 rock opera American Idiot reignited the band's popularity with a younger generation, selling 5 million copies in the U.S.
The band has sold over 60 million records worldwide, including 22 million in the United States alone. They also have three Grammy Awards, Best Alternative Album for Dookie, Best Rock Album for American Idiot, and Record of the Year for "Boulevard of Broken Dreams."
They are currently working on their new studio album estimated to be released in 2008. (mds)
Green Day was originally part of the punk rock scene at 924 Gilman Street in Berkeley, California. Its early releases for independent label Lookout! Records earned them a grassroots fanbase, some of whom felt alienated when the band signed to a major label. Nevertheless, its major label debut Dookie became a breakout success in 1994 and eventually sold over 10 million copies in the U.S. alone. As a result, Green Day was widely credited, along with fellow California punk bands The Offspring and Rancid, with reviving mainstream interest in and popularizing punk rock in the United States. Green Day's three follow-up albums, Insomniac, Nimrod and Warning did not achieve the massive success of Dookie, but they were still successful, reaching double platinum, double platinum and gold status respectively. Its 2004 rock opera American Idiot reignited the band's popularity with a younger generation, selling 5 million copies in the U.S.
The band has sold over 60 million records worldwide, including 22 million in the United States alone. They also have three Grammy Awards, Best Alternative Album for Dookie, Best Rock Album for American Idiot, and Record of the Year for "Boulevard of Broken Dreams."
They are currently working on their new studio album estimated to be released in 2008. (mds)
Rabu, 02 Januari 2008

Audioslave was an American hard rock supergroup that formed in Los Angeles, California in 2001. It consisted of ex-Soundgarden frontman and rhythm guitarist Chris Cornell and the former instrumentalists of Rage Against the Machine; Tom Morello (lead guitar), Tim Commerford (bass and backing vocals) and Brad Wilk (drums). Critics initially described Audioslave as an amalgamation of Rage Against the Machine and Soundgarden,[1] but by the band's second album, Out of Exile, noted that it had established a separate identity.
The band's trademark sound was created by blending 1970s hard rock influences (their music was often compared to Led Zeppelin or Black Sabbath) with the 1990s grunge sound of Nirvana and Soundgarden. Moreover, Morello incorporated his well-known, unconventional guitar solos into this mix. As with Rage Against the Machine, the band prided themselves on the fact that all sounds on their albums were produced using only guitar, bass, drums and vocals, and no samples were ever used.
After Audioslave released three highly successful albums, received three Grammy nominations, sold more than eight million records worldwide, and became the first American rock band to perform an open-air concert in Cuba, Chris Cornell issued a statement that he was permanently leaving the band "due to irresolvable personality conflicts as well as musical differences". The announcement came less than a month after Morello, Commerford and Wilk announced that they would be reuniting with their former vocalist Zack de la Rocha to reform Rage Against the Machine. As the three were busy with reunion performances and Morello and Cornell both released solo albums in 2007. (mds)
The band's trademark sound was created by blending 1970s hard rock influences (their music was often compared to Led Zeppelin or Black Sabbath) with the 1990s grunge sound of Nirvana and Soundgarden. Moreover, Morello incorporated his well-known, unconventional guitar solos into this mix. As with Rage Against the Machine, the band prided themselves on the fact that all sounds on their albums were produced using only guitar, bass, drums and vocals, and no samples were ever used.
After Audioslave released three highly successful albums, received three Grammy nominations, sold more than eight million records worldwide, and became the first American rock band to perform an open-air concert in Cuba, Chris Cornell issued a statement that he was permanently leaving the band "due to irresolvable personality conflicts as well as musical differences". The announcement came less than a month after Morello, Commerford and Wilk announced that they would be reuniting with their former vocalist Zack de la Rocha to reform Rage Against the Machine. As the three were busy with reunion performances and Morello and Cornell both released solo albums in 2007. (mds)
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