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Jumat, 09 November 2007

Foo Fighters' sixth album

Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace is the sixth studio album by the Foo Fighters, released on September 25, 2007. The album is produced by Gil Norton who previously worked with the group on their second album, The Colour and the Shape. The album achieved the number 1 position on the UK album chart, selling 135,685 albums in its first week, knocking James Blunt's album All the Lost Souls from the number one spot. It also achieved the number one spot on iTunes through pre-orders alone. The album went platinum in just 5 days after its release in Australia. It also went platinum in New Zealand after a week. In the U.S., it entered the Billboard 200 album chart at #3, selling 168,668 copies in its first week and giving Foo Fighters their third straight Top 3 studio album in their homeland.

Rabu, 07 November 2007

soulfly show this year

Soulfly has just scheduled the date for the 11th Annual D-Low Memorial Festival. On August 31st, after Soulfly returns from their short tour of Western Europe, they will perform alongside several other as-of-yet-unannounced very special guests at the Marquee Theatre in Tempe, AZ. This will be Soulfly's only U.S. show before they begin tracking the next Soulfly album in September. The D-Low Memorial Festival is a special event every year; in recent years, the show has been filmed for The Song Remains Insane DVD release, and last year Igor Cavalera joined Soulfly on stage for the first time ever - reuniting Max and his brother to make music again. There's no telling what's in store for this year's festival, but it promises to be brutal. (mds)

Fred Durst Digs Wes Borland's New Band

A few years back, a video featuring a baseball-capless Fred Durst prancing around the bustling streets of Vancouver, British Columbia, made the rounds on video-sharing sites like YouTube, subjecting the Limp Bizkit frontman to oodles of online ridicule.
In the obnoxiously long clip, Durst disrupts pedestrian and vehicular traffic, pops out of a large recycling bin, clumsily rides a bicycle down the street and does his best impression of the Carlton dance from "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" — all while lip-syncing British post-punk outfit Modern English's 1982 classic "I Melt With You."
The video was never intended for public consumption. Durst called it "a fun thing I did for a girl I was dating at the time," adding that the footage was among the spoils hacked from his personal computer. An explicit video, showing the singer doing it all for the nookie with an unidentified female, was also pilfered and eventually released online.
"I had a lot of fun, but I felt silly borrowing people's bikes and just setting up and dancing in the middle of Vancouver," Durst said of the Modern English homage. "I love that song. It was just something I did in my hotel room while she was working. I thought it was romantic — hey, I'm a romantic guy."
These days, Durst continues to make movies — the legitimate kind. His first stab at directing, "The Education of Charlie Banks," will debut this weekend in New York as part of Robert De Niro's Tribeca Film Festival (see "Fred Durst: The Next Martin Scorsese?"). And while Durst plans to dabble with film in the future, his first love is music in general and Limp Bizkit in particular.
Durst recently posted a blog on Limp's MySpace page expressing a strong desire to restore the band's original lineup and get back to the business of crafting nü-metal masterpieces. Trouble is, guitarist Wes Borland wants no part of it (see "Wes Borland Sees The Black Light, Says No More Bizkit For Him"), having formed his own rock outfit, Black Light Burns. The band's debut LP, Cruel Melody, is slated for June 5.
"There were feelings with Limp Bizkit that were so amazing, it's almost like if you could get close to feeling something like that again, with the same family you started it with — I mean, I love Limp Bizkit, and I would always want to have the family together," Durst said. "There were times we were all looking at each other like, 'Holy sh--, I can't believe this is happening.' But we're all individuals as well. People evolve and grow, and life is fascinating and fun and tragic. There are so many things in life, and I always look at Limp Bizkit as something I just love, because it's just that feeling, that thing."
Durst said he has seen loads of bands perform live, and he admits some do a fine job at it. But none is Limp Bizkit.
"I think Limp Bizkit f---ing rock hard," he said. "Limp Bizkit on the stage, together, just stepping back and looking at it — I just love it. I love the whole band."
Durst doesn't know what the future holds for the Bizkit ("I stopped predicting the future a long time ago," he said), but like a delusional boyfriend waiting for a girl to take him back, he doesn't think a reunion is out of the question, even with Borland doing his own thing.
"We're still a family, we're just farther apart," he explained. "But it's still there, and we all know it. We're going to do it when we want. We don't feel obligated. Our hearts are in it. If there's ever something Limp Bizkit does together, I'd say check it out, because it might be pretty powerful."
And yes, folks, there will be a follow-up to 2005's ill-received The Unquestionable Truth (Part 1). He said the Limp Bizkit project has been in the bag for awhile, but when will it surface?
"Timing's everything," Durst said. "I want it to be the right time. I think people should focus on Rage Against the Machine playing Coachella. People need to realize that [the Rage reunion] is going to rattle the world like an earthquake" (see "Rage Against The Machine To Reunite For Coachella Festival").
Durst has heard Black Light Burns' inaugural offering, and he admits that he digs it.
"Wes would always play stuff he was doing, solo-wise," Durst said. "He's one of the most creative guys you'll ever meet. Obsessive — just making great music in his studio all the time. He's a killer player, and he plays so many instruments and he's created this thing. I think [Black Light Burns] are cool. Everybody has their own little solo thing going on right now, and I think Black Light Burns are pretty damn good." (mds)

Selasa, 06 November 2007

Pearl Jam vs. Ames Bros

"Pearl Jam vs. Ames Bros: 13 Years of Tour Posters", - a chronology of Pearl Jam's celebrated concert posters spanning 1995-2007. The book includes over 200 poster art images from renowned artists Ames Bros and Brad Klausen."Pearl Jam vs. Ames Bros" is available for a pre-order on and for $50 USD. A limited edition, signed and numbered, copy of the poster book is also available during the pre-order for $200 USD through Ames Bros and to current members of the Ten Club, while supplies last.Opening with a written forward by Pearl Jam bassist Jeff Ament and introduction by the Ames Bros, the 264-page hard cover book features 229 posters designed by Ames Bros and Pearl Jam artist Brad Klausen. "Pearl Jam vs. Ames Bros" features over 80 comments on individual posters from all five members of Pearl Jam and running commentary from the poster designers -- offering insight into the inspiration, concepts and process of poster creation. (mds)

Platinum untuk Don't Make Me Sad

Ada sesuatu yang menarik pada acara SCTV Big Hits pada Sabtu, 3 November 2007. Ya, Letto menerima penghargaan Single Platinum dari Musica yang diserahkan langsung oleh Direktur Utama Musica, Ibu Acin.
Penghargaan Single Platinum yang diserahkan secara spontan dan direncanakan oleh pihak SCTV dan Musica tanpa diketahui teman-teman Letto ini merupakan penghargaan untuk album kedua Letto, Don’t Make Me Sad yang telah mencapai penjualan lebih dari 150.000 kopi hanya dalam kurun waktu sekitar 4 bulan sejak peluncuran album ini pada tanggal 17 Agustus 2007 yang lalu.
Lagu-lagu Letto di album kedua ini juga menempati peringkat satu di daftar Ring Back Tone (RBT) pada beberapa provider seluler di Indonesia. Hal ini sekaligus membuktikan, bahwa album kedua Letto, mendapat sambutan yang luar biasa dari masyarakat di Indonesia.
"Alhamdulillah, merupakan karunia dan penghargaan yang sangat luar biasa bagi kami, dan tak lupa terima kasih kepada teman-teman pLettonic dan siapapun yang telah membeli album-album Letto", demikian dikatakan Aldi, Manajer Letto. (mds)

Senin, 05 November 2007

Incubus received the missions in music award

Incubus received the Missions in Music Award presented by Pepsi at the 17th Annual Environmental Media Association Awards."The Environmental Media Awards honor film and television productions and individuals that increase public awareness of environmental issues and inspire personal action on these issues. The awards recognize writers, producers, directors, actors, and others in the entertainment industry actively expressing their concern for the environment through their work. This fall, the star-studded EMA award show is airing on November 7, 2007 at 8pm around the world on E! Entertainment Television and BBC International." (mds)

Album baru Netral

Ada-ada saja cara Netral Band "mengebrak" pasar. Setelah "melawan" dengan melempar album indie bertajuk HITAM, kini Bagus (vokal/bassis), Eno (drum), serta Coki (gitar), "mengejutkan" lagi dengan membuat album baru dalam rentang tiga bulan sejak album Hitam dirilis. Uniknya, kali ini mereka memilih PUTIH sebagai titel album.
Tak cuma merilis album baru, Netral berjanji akan memproduksi album ke-8 ini lebih banyak dibanding album sebelumnya, demikian seperti dikutip dariTembang.Com .
Netral sempat "diuber-uber" fansnya yang kelimpungan mencari album Hitam dimana-mana. Tak heranlah, album ketujuh itu dijual lewat jalur distribusi yang tidak lazim. Netral yang sebelumnya gabung di salah satu label besar, memilih peredaran yang sederhana tapi langsung. Album Hitam hanya berbentuk Compact Disc (CD) dan tidak diproduksi dalam bentuk kaset. Sedangkan untuk jalur distribusinya, album tersebut hanya di jual melalui fans club, distro dan melalui salah satu majalah musik di Jakarta. Jadi album ini tidak terdapat di toko-toko kaset seperti album musik kebanyakan. Distro-distro ini tersebar di Jakarta, Bandung, Makassar, Medan dan Surabaya.
Keistimewaan lain dari album ini adalah dicetak hanya 7000 unit saja. Jadi dalam rangka dirilisnya album ke VII ini, Netral membuat suatu konsep album yang istimewa, dimana di album ke VII ini, Netral hanya membuat 7 lagu dan diproduksi hanya sebanyak 7000 unit saja dan dirilis pada tanggal 7 Februari 2005. "Ini buat fans berat Netral," kata Coki ketika ngobrol dengan Tembang.Com beberapa waktu lalu.
Setelah merasakan "orgasme" di album Hitam, kini Netral kembali menyambangi penggemarnya dengan cara yang biasa lewat album Putih ini. "Album ini memang kelanjutan dari sebelumnya. Kalau Hitam menceritakan darkside kami, Putih kebalikannya," buka Eno di kantor management Netral di daerah Tebet.
Mengenai album Putih, Eno hanya mengatakan album ini akan lebih gampang didengar dibanding sebelumnya. "Lirik serta kord-kord yang kita mainkan tetap sama. Mudah dan gampang diingat. Yang pasti lebih mudah dicerna dan tetap Netral banget," tegas Eno. Yah, gampang versi Netral. Untuk single pertama mereka memilih Terbang Tenggelam sebagai single pertama dan dibuat video klipnya. Lagu tersebut menceritakan tentang perjalanan cinta seseorang yang pasang surut tanpa jelas arahnya, seolah terbang tenggelam dilautan lepas. Video klipnya sudah selesai digarap beberapa waktu lalu. Penggarapannya dipercayakan pada sutradara muda berbakat Condro Wijaya yang juga sukses menggarap video klip Cristian Bautista dan Peterpan.
Netral adalah Group Band yang dibentuk pada bulan November 1992. Dimana oleh pers Indonesia dikatakan sebagai Band Alternatif. Terlepas dari yang diberikan pers Indonesia ini benar atau tidak. Yang jelas band yang dibentuk dari hasil persahabatan di SMA Negeri 55 dan 60 Jakarta ini hanya memainkan musik yang benar-benar murni keluar dari hati Nurani mereka sendiri. Sesuai dengan Definisi Musik yang kita kenal. (mds)

Travis Barker

All About Travis.

Whether they're dressing up in cheesy '70s garb for "First Date" or pondering the effects of divorce in "Stay Together for the Kids," one thing remains constant for Blink 182: Travis Barker's solid drumming. But it wasn't always pop-punk tunes that Barker played.Encouraged by his parents, Barker started taking drum lessons and playing jazz tunes at the age of 10. By the time he was a student at Fontana High School in Riverside, Calif., Barker played in a jazz band as well as his school's drum line.Barker moved on to play drums in numerous bands, including the Aquabats, Hooker and Flash in the Pan. In 1998, Barker was asked to play a few concerts with Blink 182, which, at the time, was enjoying newfound mainstream success with the single "Dammit (Growing Up)."Nearly a month later, Blink 182 guitarist/vocalist Tom DeLonge and bassist/vocalist Mark Hoppus asked Barker to join the group. Barker's first album with Blink 182 was 1999's "Enema of the State," which, to date, has sold more than 7 million copies worldwide.In support of its most recent album, "Take Off Your Pants and Jacket," Blink 182 is back on the road again, this time as part of the Pop Disaster Tour with Green Day and Saves The Day.A few of Travis Barker's favorite things:

Hobbies: Collecting bicycles and old cars

Food: Mexican and Italian

Songs: Any song by Elvis Costello

Albums: "Live," the Police, and "Reign in Blood,"

SlayerMovie: "True Romance"

Place: Home (mds)

Pas band heboh di soundrenalin

Tiga grup band yang tampil di atas panggung 'Soundrenaline 2007' di Lapangan Brigif II Cimahi Jawa Barat Minggu (29/7) malam, yakni Pas Band, Nidji dan Samsons terpilih menjadi nominator penampilan terbaik atas pilihan tim 'Media Board'.
Menurut salah seorang anggota tim Media Board, Remy Soetansyah, Senin (30/7), ketiga band tersebut telah menunjukan berbagai perubahan dalam penampilan kostum dan aransemen musik yang dibawakan saat tampil. "Selain penilaian kostum dan aransemen musik, Media Board juga menilai performance dan showmanship para personilnya, dan ini semua dipantau oleh seluruh anggota tim," katanya.
Pada penampilannya, Pas Band yang digawangi oleh Yuki sebagai vokalis menggebrak panggung dengan lagu-lagu hitnya yang dibawakan secara garang. Kejutan diberikan saat menampilkan lagu KESEPIAN KITA dimana muncul Kang Agus dan teman-teman memainkan suling sunda dan petikan gitar yang bernada pentatonis. Tidak hanya itu saja, mereka menghadirkan dua pemain Persib, yaitu Edi Hafidz dan Edi Kurnia saat membawakan lagu berjudul PERSIB (mds)

Korn frontman writing opera

KORN frontman Jonathan Davis has revealed to AOL's PopEater music blog that he has begun writing an opera entitled "Oblivion" with Richard Gibbs and Clive Barker.
Davis says the "dark opera" will be "way different" from KORN's style and is about the end of the world. He has just started writing the music for it, but he will not be starring in it. (mds)

Minggu, 04 November 2007

The Reason -hoobastank-

I'm not a perfect person
There's many things I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know
I've found out a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you
I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's something I must live with everyday
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears
Thats why i need you to hear
I've found out a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is Youand the reason is You [x3]
I'm not a perfect person
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know
I've found out a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you
I've found a reason to show
A side of me you didn't know
A reason for all that I do
And the reason is you